Micro Cap Mid Q2 2024 Flash Report

                                                                                Uniplan Micro Cap Portfolio Flash Report - pdf click here "Every virtue carried to the extreme, is a vice." ~Aristotle At our investment policy committee meeting in 1Q23, we summarized the relative valuation disparity between Micro Cap stocks and their larger S&P 500 brethren.  Our conclusions were as follows: Executive Summary: The Equity Risk Premium looks unattractive for large stocks but highly attractive for small stocks. Historically, small stocks have provided higher returns than large … [Read more...]

Micro Cap Review & Outlook Flash Report

                                                                              Micro Cap Review & Outlook Flash - Pdf Click Here “Inflation is like taxation without legislation.” ― Milton Friedman  Summary  Micro Cap performance in 2021 was achieved largely in Q1 with the balance of the year being mostly rangebound.  A shift in Fed Policy toward a more inflationary bias noted in 2020 is leading to a rotation from growth to value and should benefit small stocks.  A modest rise in inflation expectations might be good, but policymakers may need to be careful because … [Read more...]

Micro Cap Flash Mid Q4

                                                                                                       Micro Flash Mid 2021 Q4 - Pdf Click Here Uniplan Micro Cap Strategy Q4 2021 Mid-Quarter Flash Report "Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not one's better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk — and to act." -Maxwell Maltz Micro Cap market volatility moved higher since our last note in August as the risk-on risk-off trade continues to modulate across the small and micro cap space.  Since our last … [Read more...]

Micro Cap Flash Mid 2021 Q3

                                                                                                 Micro Flash Mid 2021 Q3 - Pdf Click Here "Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold." -- Helen Keller Micro Cap market volatility moved higher since May, as the risk-on risk-off trade modulates across the small and micro cap space.  Since our last mid-quarter report, the global economy has continued its rebound from the pandemic while the rise of the Delta variant has been a cause for growing concern and the US domestic … [Read more...]

Micro Cap Flash Mid 2021 Q2

                                                                                                       Micro Flash Mid 2021 Q2 - Pdf Click Here   Micro Cap market volatility had increased dramatically since our last mid-quarter report as the global economy rebounds from the pandemic and the US domestic economy struggles with the challenges of reopening.  The preliminary estimated results for Uniplan Micro Cap Portfolio as of March 31, 2021 are as follows: The portfolio has lagged the broader micro cap universe benchmarks due to our underweight position in the strongly … [Read more...]

Micro Cap Flash Mid 2021 Q1

                                                                                             Micro Cap Flash Mid Q1 2021 - Pdf Click Here NO ONE SAID IT WAS GOING TO BE EASY! It is mid-March and we have yet to release our year-end Micro Cap Portfolio Flash Report.  This is normally the edition where we would look back at the prior year and recap our portfolio and cite the “winners” and the “losers” and discuss themes and strategy for 2021. We will touch on those items in our next note. However, the present market conditions are ostensibly so unique that it seems only appropriate to … [Read more...]

Micro Cap Flash 2020 Q3

                                                                                                             Micro Flash Q3 2020 - Pdf Click Here                                                                                                       “I was reading in the paper today that Congress wants to replace the dollar bill with a coin. They’ve already done it. It’s called a nickel.” ― Jay Leno   Summary for 2020 Q3 – The Fed Signals a Shift in Policy After a strong rebound of over +26% during Q2, the Micro Cap portfolio continued its move during Q3 advancing +10.8% vs. … [Read more...]

Micro Cap Flash 2020 Q2

                                                                                                              MICRO Flash Q2 2020 - Download Pdf   “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ― Albert Einstein  “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” ― Leo Tolstoy  Summary for 2020 Q2 – The Covid-19 World Continued… For the year-to-date period ended June 30, 2020, the investment results for the Uniplan Micro Cap Portfolio are as follows: Slow Motion in a … [Read more...]

MicroCap Flash 2020 Q1

1Q20 Micro Cap Flash - Download Pdf “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill   “I’m not going to say I told you so. But I did.” -Nouriel Roubini   Summary for 2020 Q1 – The Covid-19 World For the year-to-date period ended March 31, 2020, the preliminary estimated investment results for the Uniplan Micro Cap Portfolio are as follows: On January 31, 2020 the Trump Administration imposed restrictions on incoming travelers from China. The travel disruption sent shock waves through … [Read more...]

Micro Cap Flash 2019 Q4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Download Pdf “Someone, somewhere, is making a product that will make your product obsolete”. – Georges Doriot Summary for 2019 Q4 For the year-to-date period ended December 31, 2019, the preliminary estimated investment results for the Uniplan micro cap portfolio are as follows: We are pleased with the robust level of operating performance across … [Read more...]

Micro Cap Flash 2019 Q3

                                                                        Q3 2019 Uniplan Micro Cap Flash - Download Pdf “The area which I am about to enter is one that excites a great deal of emotional feeling; nevertheless, it is worth examining” -Gordon Tullock Summary for 2019 Q3 After a robust first half of 2019, micro-cap stocks faded a bit during Q3 opening up a wide margin of underperformance relative to larger cap stocks. Historically these divergences have proved to be good windows for rebalancing between small and large-cap stocks, or positive entry points for micro-cap … [Read more...]

Micro Cap Flash 2019 Q2

                                                                                                                                   Download Pdf “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill Summary for 2019 Q2 As of June 30, 2019, the investment results for the Uniplan Micro Cap portfolio are as follows:   As of June 30, 2019: QTD YTD Uniplan Micro Cap Gross 5.97% 28.93% Uniplan Micro Cap Net 5.40% 27.58% Russell Micro Cap 0.93% 14.16%   The micro … [Read more...]