Don’t Fight the Fed

That’s how the old saying goes. In the Flash Report from Q4 we pondered the notion of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his “Tilting at windmills” or attacking imaginary enemies. It seems the Chairman may be tilting at windmills as he and the Fed have embarked on a program to buy as many mortgage-backed bonds as is necessary until the labor market improved dramatically. It would be interesting to know what windmills our Fed Chairman sees on the horizon.

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Counting election year performance. June 2012

It was a rough quarter in micro cap landia during August and continued their decline in September, completely erasing the years’ profits and pushing REITs into negative blah for the year-to-date. The economic double-dip potential resurfaced with ext uncertainty over the Greek debt crisis and mixed economic signals from China in preparation for a meltdown.

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