Micro Cap Flash 2019 Q1

After an historically difficulty Q4…

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Micro Cap Flash 2018 Q4

Micro cap stocks peaked in June…

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Micro Cap Flash 2018 Q3

The mid-term elections are over…

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Micro Cap Flash 2018 Q2

Micro cap stocks dramatically outperformed the broader market during the first half of the year….

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Micro Cap Flash Report 2017 Q4

We are pleased with the robust level of operating performance across our micro cap holdings .

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Micro Cap Flash 2017 Q1

This rising market risk profile is clearly evident in the insider sell-to-buy ratio.

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Micro Cap Flash 2016 Q4

Historically the patient micro-cap investor has been rewarded with strong relative returns for long term exposure to the asset class.

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Q1 2016 Flash Report

It was an exciting start to 2016.

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Micro Cap Flash 2016 Q1

We continue to see MEGA deals play out in the M&A space but have yet to see a resurgence of activity in the micro-cap space.

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Micro Cap Flash 2015 Q2

For the year to-date 2015, investors are off to a steadily improving start in a difficult environment.

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Micro Cap Flash 2014 Q4

During 2013 patience was rewarded as micro caps advanced 45% and the Uniplan Micro Cap Portfolio, 52%.

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So It Begins – 2014; Can It Get Better?

That’s how the old saying goes. In the Flash Report from Q4 we pondered the notion of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his “Tilting at windmills” or attacking imaginary enemies. It seems the Chairman may be tilting at windmills as he and the Fed have embarked on a program to buy as many mortgage-backed bonds as is necessary until the labor market improved dramatically. It would be interesting to know what windmills our Fed Chairman sees on the horizon.

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