

MICRO CAP Strategy

Invests primarily in companies with market capitalizations under $750 million.


June 30, 2024


Wilshire U.S. Micro Cap Index


August 1, 1999


$205.7 Million

MICRO CAP Performance

as of June 30, 2024

  QTD YTD 1 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr
Wilshire Micro Cap

Please see disclosures regarding the benchmark and performance.

Returns for periods greater than one year are annualized.

10 Year Risk Return Analysis

as of June 30, 2024

  10 Year Return (%) Std Dev (%) Beta vs Market Alpha vs Market (%) R-Squared vs Market (%)

Source: Uniplan Investment Counsel, Inc

Please see disclosures regarding the benchmark.

10 Year Comparative Return Correlations

as of June 30, 2024

  Wilshire Micro Cap S&P 600 S&P 500 Uniplan MICRO CAP Gross Uniplan MICRO CAP Net

Source: Uniplan Investment Counsel, Inc

Portfolio Statistics

as of June 30, 2024

Source: Uniplan Investment Counsel, Inc

MICRO CAP Annual Total Returns

Year Gross Net Wilshire
Micro Cap

Please see disclosures regarding the benchmark and performance.

Extended track record available upon request.

Top 10 Holdings

as of June 30, 2024


May not reflect current or future weightings of the portfolio.

Portfolio holdings are subject to change at any time.

Sector Allocations

as of June 30, 2024

May not reflect current or future weightings of the portfolio.


Investment Process

Uniplan’s micro cap investment process includes:

Quantitative Screens

  • Market cap below $750 million (SEC reporting)
  • Low relative P/E
  • Low relative price-to-free cash flow
  • Low leverage relative to peers

Qualitative Factors

  • Patterns of “company insider/agent” buying
  • Internal catalysts such as new management, expanding product line, acquisitions, depositions
  • External catalysts such as new legislation, recovery within industry, consolidation within industry
  • Meetings with management and owners

Competitive Advantages

  • A quantitative screening process that seeks to identify lower-risk companies based on P/E, cash flow and leverage
  • An eye on smart-buying that may indicate increased confidence in the company’s future
  • A focus on catalysts including expanding product lines, strategic acquisitions or industry consolidation
  • Meetings with management, touring facilities and other field research creates an information advantage due to lack of analyst coverage

Richard Imperiale

Chief Investment Officer
  • Over 35 years of investment experience
  • A pioneer in alternative investment strategies since 1989
  • Author of The Micro Cap Investor: Strategies for Making Big Returns in Small Companies
  • Leads a team of investment professionals with more than 150 years of total investment experience

1. Uniplan Investment Counsel, Inc. (“Uniplan”) is a boutique investment firm, with roots dating back to 1984, that manages a variety of portfolios primarily for US clients.

2. The composite was created August 1, 1999. Performance is calculated in US dollars utilizing a time-weighted total rate of return. Total return for the composite is represented by the asset-weighted returns of the portfolios within the composite. Trade-date valuation is used.

3. Gross Performance is net of all transaction costs and Net Performance is net of transaction costs and (maximum allowable total) investment management fee, but before any custodial fees (that may be incurred separately by the client).

4. The benchmark for the composite is the Wilshire US Micro Cap Index that represents a float-adjusted, market capitalization-weighted portfolio of all stocks below the 2,500th rank by market capitalization in the Wilshire 5000 at March 31 and December 31 of each year. The index is used to measure small stocks and is adjusted to reflect the reinvestment of dividends, when applicable.

5. The S&P SmallCap 600 seeks to measure the small-cap segment of the US equity market. The index is designed to track a broad range of small-sized companies that meet specific inclusion criteria to ensure that they are liquid and financially viable.

6. The S&P 500 or Standard & Poor’s 500 Index is a market-capitalization-weighted index of the 500 largest U.S. publicly traded companies.

7. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. The index figures do not reflect any deduction for fees, expenses or taxes.

8. The strategy principally invests in Micro Cap stocks, including those companies that we believe show growth. Uniplan typically views companies, at time of investment, to be considered a micro capitalization company if the market capitalization falls below $750 million.

9. The dispersion of annual returns is measured by the standard deviation of asset-weighted portfolio returns represented within the composite for the full year. The standard deviation of the annual returns for the period August 1, 1999 to June 30, 2024 is 20.45% for the composite and 26.22% for the Wilshire Micro Cap Index.

10. The composite does not have a minimum size criterion for composite membership. All fee-paying discretionary accounts with similar investment objectives are included. Leverage is not used in this composite as a means to generate higher returns. There may be non-fee paying portfolios in the composite. Individual account holdings may vary depending on numerous factors including the size of an account, cash flows, and account restrictions.

11. There have been no changes in the personnel responsible for the management of this composite.

12. The composite contains both traditional and wrap fee portfolios. Uniplan has a flexible and negotiable fee schedule reflecting the differences in size, composition and servicing needs of clients’ accounts. A complete description of investment advisory fees is contained in Uniplan’s Form ADV and is available upon request.

13. Uniplan is an independent investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. More information about Uniplan including our investment strategies, fees and objectives can be found in our ADV Part 2 which is available upon request.

14. Uniplan does not claim GIPS Compliance. The performance has been verified by an independent source as of 1/01/2006 – 12/31/2023. Individual account performance may vary from the results shown because of differences in inception date, restrictions and other factors.

15. Investors should understand that micro cap stocks are subject to a higher degree of risk than other equity investments due to the small size of the companies and the limited trading volume inherent in micro cap stocks.

16. This information is not an offer to buy or sell a security nor does it constitute investment advice or an offer to provide investment advisory or other services. All information is subject to correction or change.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investment involves a risk of loss.